Shop Online for Cider in the Cayman Islands

Drink to your health and shop online for cider from Jacques Scott Wines & Spirits in the Cayman Islands. We’ll deliver the online purchase with no additional fee. You can also shop at one of our eight locations, found throughout the communities of Grand Cayman.

Shop Online for Cider in the Cayman IslandsJacques Scott Wines & Spirits stocks an inventory filled with a wide array of beer, wine, and liquor options, both popular and uniquely selected brands. If you like to browse in person or need to grab bottles and be on your way, stop in at a location in George Town, Seven Mile Beach, Savannah, East End, West Bay, Frank Sound, or Cayman Brac.

Shopping online with Jacques Scott Wines & Spirits couldn’t be easier. For purchases made online before 2:00 in the afternoon, we’ll deliver by the end of the day, and purchases made after this period will arrive the next day that we deliver. We close completely on Sundays, so plan accordingly.

If you’d rather collect your online order instead of waiting on delivery, do so at the George Town location, where we fulfill all online orders.

Drink Your Vitamins

When you choose to relax with cider, you gain healthy benefits beyond the escape from tension that alcohol provides. As with red wine, cider can bring a wealth of health benefits. Also like with red wine, consumption should be in moderation.

Essentially, cider is fermented apple juice and comes in a variety of styles, including still, sparkling, sweet, and carbonated. Depending on the quality of the cider, the percentage of apple juice may be as low as 35% up to 100% composed of apple juice.

Banish Potential Colds

The power of Vitamin C against the common cold and other ailments is well known. Enjoy cider and experience a boost of immunity and your mood. These benefits might play a role in the traditional enjoyment of cider during the holiday season, a time notorious for the spread of cold and flu. Ward off illness and blues with a delicious and satisfying cider from Jacques Scott Wines & Spirits.

Cure Tummy Troubles

Think of the benefits of Alka Seltzer and project those onto cider. The bubbles can help settle an upset stomach while providing a host of vitamins. Cider is also gluten-free, so if a wheat allergy causes stomach pain, you can avoid the situation by enjoying cider in moderation.

Fight Cellular Damage

The antioxidants within cider have powerful health benefits. Antioxidants are found within many foods, and within apples, they reach the level of superfoods. Cider even has more antioxidants than green tea contains. The antioxidants destroy the free radicals within the body that cause cellular damage and lead to cognitive decline, cardiovascular disease, and cancer.

Tips for Drinking Cider

Think of your cider as wine. Serve your cider slightly chilled, removing it from the fridge about ten minutes before serving it. Choose a wine glass to enhance the aromatics and avoid warming the cider with your hand.

Beyond drinking on its own, cider makes a great additive to a cocktail. We suggest trying cider and vermouth in a 1:1 ratio as an introductory cocktail or moving on to an Apple Cider Margarita or Aperol Spritz.

Jacques Scott Wines & Spirits makes it easy to shop online or in person for cider in the Cayman Islands. We’ll deliver your online purchase for free, or you can stop in at the location nearest you.