7 in stock
Kentucky 10 Wheated Bourbon – 750ML
KYD $35.99
American Whskey Crafted in the heart of bourbon country, Owensboro, KY. Kentucky 10 Bourbon is a well-balanced, Wheated, Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey. Wheat lends a soft, sweet touch to this fine sipper. Aged and bottled in the historic DSP-KY-10 distillery.
American Whskey Crafted in the heart of bourbon country, Owensboro, KY. Kentucky 10 Bourbon is a well-balanced, Wheated, Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey. Wheat lends a soft, sweet touch to this fine sipper. Aged and bottled in the historic DSP-KY-10 distillery, Kentucky 10 Bourbon is a fine example of why the greatest whiskey in the world hails from Kentucky.