7 in stock
Mijenta Blanco Tequila – 750ML
KYD $59.00
Mijenta Tequila comes to us from the highlands of Jalisco, where it’s made with sustainability in mind, crafted by Maestra Tequilera Ana Maria Romero.
Mijenta Tequila comes to us from the highlands of Jalisco, where it’s made with sustainability in mind, crafted by Maestra Tequilera Ana Maria Romero. Produced with 100% blue weber agave, and bottled without filtration, this Tequila packs a bright, vibrant flavour profile showcasing the authentic flavours of the agave at its heart. The bottles are made from locally sourced stock glass, while the labels are produced using agave waste. The team also support jimadores through the Mijenta Community foundation, to preserve the skills used in Tequila making.